Thursday, January 06, 2005

Resolutions, relationships and friendships

I'm on the phone early with a friend this morning. He asked about any new year's resolutions I might have:

"I'm 51," I said. "What am I going to resolve to do that's worth trying or that I haven't tried before?"

He tells me about his business, how his biggest customers are asking - in the name of "partnership" - to help them out before they sign their agreements or contracts. They need his help.

In the name of "partnership?" I ask. "What kind of relationship is that?" "I'm out of the 'partnership' business. I want customers; that's a relationship everyone understands better now anyway."

He was surprised. After all, I'm the guy who's written and preached about the power of a good business relationship, he says.

"Well," I said, "too many partnerships turned out to be one way streets, and I felt I was coming to the end of the road. I'm out of the 'partnership' business. 'Friendships,' now that's a relationship I can believe in."

My friend and I said "So long" and set up dinner and a round of golf in the coming weeks.


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