Decisions, decisions...
"If there's one thing we humans abhor," says Jerry Useem in the June 27, 2005, issue of Fortune, "it's uncertainty."
(To see the article, click on the title of this post.)
"For modern decidophobes, business is a bad hiding place. Strategies, careers, companies - they're all made of decisions the way glass is made of sand. The quality of your decisions is what makes you valuable. And the hardest ones roll uphill: A CEO's job, it's been said, is to make the decisions that can't be delegated."
For all of you out there sitting on your hands, read this piece. And remember what Napoleon (apparently) said (Useem opens his article with it): "Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide."
(To see the article, click on the title of this post.)
"For modern decidophobes, business is a bad hiding place. Strategies, careers, companies - they're all made of decisions the way glass is made of sand. The quality of your decisions is what makes you valuable. And the hardest ones roll uphill: A CEO's job, it's been said, is to make the decisions that can't be delegated."
For all of you out there sitting on your hands, read this piece. And remember what Napoleon (apparently) said (Useem opens his article with it): "Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide."
Thanks for pointing me at this. Key idea:
>>Decisions force us to foreclose other opportunities—jobs not taken, strategies never attempted, options unpursued.<<
It's interesting that while I have always seen decisions in terms of opportunity cost beforehand, and I have certainly played the what-if game after the fact, I probably have never stepped back to contextualize the process in quite these terms. Maybe I have always regarded the choices not taken as something like a byproduct instead of seeing them as integral to the very nature of and need FOR a decision.
So let's toss this into the hopper. As you're well aware, I've been thinking a LOT lately, and I'm standing on the cusp of a major decision-making moment in my life.
Maybe this next decision will prove to be a better one than the last, which was a wrong decision, if not necessarily a bad one.....
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