Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Why not an advertising agency?

I don't agree with everything in it, but this article from Chief Executive kicks sand in the face of the traditional advertising agency.

"Your company and its advertising agency are like ships passing in the night," Mark Stevens, the article's writer, says. "The agency is after awards ... [and] you are in the pursuit of the only goal that truly matters in a corporate entity: profits."

A lot of vitriol here, but some truth...like most of the opinions we read. But to me, enough truth for BURRIS to be "an idea cooperative."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few counterpoints to Mr. Stevens argument:
- Wal-Mart, in fact, has invested in creative "brand" advertising. For sometime they ran a feel-good campaign in which they made heros of customers and employees. It occassionally centered on the value proposition but mostly tried to convey the company as an integral part of the community. A particular spot that comes to mind is the one about the blind girl that regularly bought fabric at Wal-Mart to make blankets for the homeless.

Perhaps they should have continued considering that now they are increasingly seen as a pariah, feeding on the economic health of the American small business. Pure profits can and do erode.

- Any time you point a finger there are four pointing back in the opposite direction. As an "agency" person, I invite every client to pull me in and point-blankly ask me how much I understand about their business model. That is, provided that the exercise is a test of how well I can articulate and maximize it, not an attempt to bring clarity to organizational confusion. Then we'll all really be getting somewhere.

10:06 AM  

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