Thursday, September 08, 2005

"The Only Question That Matters"

As some of you know, I've been on a research kick lately, especially as it relates to customer satisfaction. I came across an article in the September Business 2.0, the title of which I've taken at the title for this post.

(Click above and you'll link to the article.)

Bottom line: the best chances for increased product acceptance and growth are in building word-of-mouth, positive viral referrals from existing customers. "This year," the article by Damon Darlin begins, "12.5 million people used Intuit's TurboTax software to prepare their tax returns. Next year the company wants the number to be even larger. So what's the best way to make that happen? Easy. Intuit asks customers one simple question: Would you recommend this product to friends and family?"

Of course the answer presents just a beginning. If "no," then you need to drill into the why's and why nots. Then you fix them. So it's really not so simple. But it is a start.


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